Jasmin CapitalJasmin Capital


Jasmin Capital in Private Equity Magazine – January 2012

Private Equity Magazine quoted Jasmin Capital in its Monthly December / January 2012 (No. 71) for the investigation: “New LP’s strategies: more limited partners”.

Jasmin Capital rewarded as Best Private Equity Advisory Firm

At the End of Year Country Awards 2011 organised by the British newspaper InterContinental Finance Magazine, Jasmin Capital is the winner as Best Private Equity Advisory…

Jasmin Capital in Option Finance

The weekly newspaper Option Finance quoted Jasmin Capital the 16th January 2012 (No. 1156) for the investigation: “The institutionnals investors are interested by unlisted assets”.

Jasmin Capital in the Magazine des Affaires – June 2012

The Magazine des Affaires has interviewed Jasmin Capital in its issue of June 2012 (No. 71) dedicated to infrastructure on the topic: “Perspectives on infrastructure investments:…

Jasmin Capital has adopted the PRI: Principles for Responsible Investment

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) are an investor initiative in partnership with UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Finance Initiative and the United Nations Global Compact….

Jasmin Capital doubly rewarded as private placement agent and marketing advisor

At the ACQ Country Awards 2011 organised by ACQ Magazine, delivered to over 33,000 subscribers each month, Jasmin Capital is the winner of: MARKETING FIRM OF THE…

Jasmin Capital quoted about sectoral funds

Private Equity Magazine quoted Jasmin Capital in its Monthly November 2011 (No. 70) for the investigation: “Sectoral funds: the premium to specialization?”.

Obtained the status of Financial Investment Advisor

Jasmin Capital has become a Financial Investment Consulting firm as well as a member of the Association Nationale des Conseillers Financiers – CIF (ANACOFI-CIF). As such,…

Jasmin Capital in CFnews

In the edition of 19th September 2011, CFnews published an article on Jasmin Capital entitled “Jasmin Capital alongside actors unlisted”. Webpage: https://www.cfnews.net/l_actualite_toutes_les_rubriques/marche_general/tetes_d_affiche/jasmin_capital_aux_cotes_des_acteurs_du_non_cote