Jasmin CapitalJasmin Capital


Jasmin Capital: Top 250 Leading Firms 2017

Jasmin Capital was awarded as one of the Top 250 Leading Firms worldwide in 2017 by the British newspaper InterContinental Finance Magazine (ICFM)

Jasmin Capital in Option Finance – March 2017

Jasmin Capital was quoted in the French newspaper Option Finance on 24 March 2017 on “Infrastructure: asset managers adapt their offer”. Webpage: Option Finance – Infrastructures :…

Jasmin Capital: Investment Advisory Firm of the Year

Jasmin Capital received the Investment Advisory Firm of the Year Award at the 2017 M&A Awards organized by the British magazine Corporate LiveWire.

Jasmin Capital: Best Private Equity Firm of the Year – France

Jasmin Capital received the Best Private Equity Firm of the Year – France Award at the 2017 ICFM Country Awards from the British magazine InterContinental Finance…

Jasmin Capital in Capital Finance – January 2017

Jasmin Capital was quoted in Capital Finance (January 2017) in the article “Fundraising: Will the French Buy Out Market be up to the expectations?” Webpage: Capital Finance…

Jasmin Capital in Option Droit & Affaires – January 2017

Jasmin Capital was quoted in Option Droit & Affaires (January 2017) on: equity bridge financing, a new tool for optimizing funds. Webpage: Option Droit & Affaires –…

Jasmin Capital in CFNews Magazine – December 2016

Jasmin Capital was quoted in CF News Magazine (December 2016) on the main groupings of private equity management companies in France. Webpage: CF News Magazine – décembre…

Jasmin Capital: Most Outstanding in Private Markets Investment Consulting

Jasmin Capital received the “Most Outstanding in Private Markets Investment Consulting” award at the 2016 Global Excellence Awards organized by the British magazine Acquisition International.

Jasmin Capital in Les Echos – November 2016

Jean-Christel Trabarel was quoted by the journalist Sophie Rolland in the newspaper Les Echos of November 29, 2016 on: Asset management sharpens the appetite of private…