Jasmin CapitalJasmin Capital


Jasmin Capital rewarded four times

Jasmin Capital won 4 new awards from British periodicals/reviews :  Best Family Office Adviser – France & Best Private Placement Agent of the Year, at the…

Jasmin Capital in Magazine des Affaires – October 2015

Jasmin Capital was interviewed by the French newspaper Magazine des Affaires about fundraising in private equity, changes in relationships between LP/GP and the digital sector. Webpage: Magazine…

Providing support to diseased children

Jasmin Capital supports the charity association « 1 Maillot Pour la Vie ». Since 15 years the charity association 1 Maillot pour la Vie helps children…

Jasmin Capital ranked as Excellent placement agent in France by the magazine Decideurs

In its 2015 edition, the Private Equity Guide of Magazine Decideurs has ranked Jasmin Capital in the category Excellent as placement agent in France

Ardens and OTC Agregator approach and become APICAP

The investor in small cap deal by deal, Ardens, and the FCPI manager, OTC Agregator, unite to create Apicap, with € 480 million under management. Jasmin…

Jasmin Capital: Best Private Markets Consulting Firm of the Year – France

Jasmin Capital received the DealMakers Global Awards 2015 for Best Private Markets Consulting Firm of the Year in France, awarded by DealMakers Monthly. Jasmin Capital team…

Jasmin Capital in Capital Finance – June 2015

Jasmin Capital was quoted in Capital Finance (Les Echos Group) of June 29th, 2015 on the theme: Is the consolidation of GPs well perceived by LPs?…

Jasmin Capital awarded Most Outstanding Financial Investment Advisors

Jasmin Capital has received the Most Outstanding Financial Investment Advisors Award 2015 – France, from Corporate LiveWire. We thank our customers and partners for this new…

ActoMezzanine II: Final close at €210m

The French mezzanine fund ActoMezzanine II, managed by ACG Capital, formerly Groupama Private Equity, realised its final close at €210m, eight month after its first close,…