Jasmin Capital in Capital Finance
The French newspaper Capital Finance (Groupe Les Echos) interviewed Jasmin Capital in his article entitled “Public funds vs. Private funds: the end of the turf war?”,…
Jasmin Capital in Private Equity Magazine – June 2012
Private Equity Magazine quoted Jasmin Capital in its Special Issue of June 2012 (English version) for the investigation: “Sector funds: specialisation delivering results?”.
Taking part in the Intercompany Challenge of Action Against Hunger 2012
The NGO Action Against Hunger organised the Intercompany Challenge charity race on the Parvis of la Défense, to which Jasmin Capital took part for the second…
Jasmin Capital in l’AGEFI Hebdo
In the edition of 14th June 2012, l’AGEFI Hebdo quoted Jasmin Capital in an investigation entitled “The private equity put on sector expertise”. Webpage:
Jasmin Capital in Private Equity Magazine – May 2012
Private Equity Magazine quoted Jasmin Capital in its Monthly May 2012 (No. 75) for the investigation: “The infrastructure reassures LPs”.
Jasmin Capital in the moldavian newspaper Economist
In the edition of the 29th May 2012, the moldavian newspaper Economist published an article on Jasmin Capital entitled “Jasmin Capital : consultanţă pentru investiţii în…
Jasmin Capital in CFnews – May 2012
In the edition of 2nd May 2012, CFnews quoted Jasmin Capital in an investigation entitled “Fundraising: the bonus to the winner”. Webpage:
Jasmin Capital runs the workshop Infrastructure at the Forum GI 2012
The Forum GI is the annual event of the European investors from France, Switzerland, Benelux and Monaco. Of the three workshops on asset classes, organized by…
Jasmin Capital in the Magazine des Affaires
Jasmin Capital wrote an article in the Magazine des Affaires No. 67-68, February 2012: “The new paradigms of a successful fundraising” Webpage: The new paradigms of a…
Training for Private Markets for institutional investors
For the newspaper L’Argus de l’Assurance, Jasmin Capital leads a training on 27 and 28 March 2012 on the theme of asset allocation: How to invest…