Jasmin CapitalJasmin Capital


Jasmin Capital in Option Finance – May 2015

The European based private equity placement agent Jasmin Capital has been quoted in the French weekly magazine Option Finance in May 2015: Opportunities on alternative assets….

New close of Health for Life Capital at €100m

Health for Life Capital, managed by Seventure Partners, realised a new close at €100m. The aim of Health for Life Capital has been to support innovative…

Jasmin Capital in Capital Finance – February 2015

Jasmin Capital was quoted in the weekly Capital Finance (Groupe Les Echos), #1182 of February 16, 2015, on: Fund raising remaining time consuming. Webpage: Fund raising remaining…

Jasmin Capital in CF News Magazine – February 2015

Jasmin Capital has been quoted in an article about fundraising in CF News Magazine #5, February 2015: 2015 pivotal year for the French mid-caps

Jasmin Capital in Option Finance – February 2015

Jasmin Capital has been quoted in the French weekly magazine Option Finance in Februray 2015: Abundance of liquidity adds competition in private equity. Webpage: L’abondance de liquidités…

Jasmin Capital in Agefi Hebdo – November 2014

Jasmin Capital has been quoted in the survey: “Private markets, abundant cash but few GPs are chosen”, published in Agefi Hebdo #443 of November 13, 2014…

Jasmin Capital in CF News – November 2014

Jasmin Capital has been quoted twice by CF News in November 2014: The right assets win (CF News Magazine # 4) Fundraising: key period for the French mid-cap…

Jasmin Capital in Option Finance – September 2014

Jasmin Capital has been quoted in the French weekly magazine Option Finance in September 2014: mezzanine is back. Webpage: La dette mezzanine signe son retour