Jasmin Capital in Option Finance – November 2012
Jasmin Capital was quoted in the weekly Option Finance of 19 November 2012 on the theme: “The fundraising expected in France”. Webpage: Option Finance – The fundraising…
Jasmin Capital in l’AGEFI Hebdo – November 2012
Jasmin Capital was one of five professionals invited to the round table organized by the newspaper L’Agefi Hebdo on “Private equity provides diversification.” Exchanges of this…
Jasmin Capital at the eighth edition of the News Fundraising, by AFIC
Jasmin Capital runs two workshops of the eighth edition of the News Fundraising held 22 November 2012 by the French Association of Investors for Growth (AFIC)…
Private Equity Training for Institutional Investors
For the newspaper L’Argus de l’Assurance, Jasmin Capital leads a training on November 12 and 13, 2012 on the topic of asset allocation: How to invest…
Jasmin Capital in AllEquity Funds – Private Equity Russia & CIS
Jasmin Capital wrote an article in the magazine AllEquityFunds, #9 – June-July 2012, published by Private Equity Russia & CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), on the…
Jasmin Capital on
Jasmin Capital wrote a forum on the French news website, published the 31th of July 2012: “Investment: should enable SMEs to grow into mid-cap companies”….
Jasmin Capital interviewed in Capital Finance
Jasmin Capital was interviewed in the newspaper Capital Finance, No. 1073 of 30 July 2012, on fundraising for growth capital and small-cap LBO funds in France…
Jasmin Capital in Action Future
Jasmin Capital wrote an article in Issue 44 (6th July 2012) of the French quarterly magazine Action Future: “Investing in infrastructure”. WebPage: Action Future – Investir en…
Jasmin Capital wins three ACQ Global Awards 2012 including the Private Equity Advisory Firm of the Year
Jasmin Capital received three ACQ Global Awards 2012, awarded by the British newspaper ACQ Finance Magazine : Private Equity Advisory Firm of the Year – France Private Placement…
Jasmin Capital in Capital Finance
The French newspaper Capital Finance (Groupe Les Echos) interviewed Jasmin Capital in his article entitled “Public funds vs. Private funds: the end of the turf war?”,…